Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600939

Determining Your Altitude Above Sea Level

It is important to know your approximate elevation or
altitude above sea level in order to determine a safe
processing time for canned foods. Since the boiling
temperature of liquid is lower at higher elevations, it is
critical that additional time be given for the safe
processing of foods at altitudes above sea level.

It is not practical to include alist of altitudes in this
guide, since there is a wide variation within a State and
even a county. For example, the sate of Kansas has areas
with altitudes varying between 75 ft to 4, 039 ft above
sea level. Kansas is not generally thought to have high
altitudes, but there are many areas of the State where
adjustments for altitude must be considered. Colorado, on
the other hand, has people living in areas between 3,000
and 10,000 ft above sea level. They tend to be more
conscious of the need to make altitude adjustments in the
various processing schedules. To list altitudes for
specific counties may actually be misleading, due to the
differences in geographic terrain within a county.

If you are unsure about the altitude where you will be
canning foods, consult your county Extension agent. An
alternative source of information would be your local
district conservationist with the Soil Conservation
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